Sharon’s Blog

News From the Front Page 2012

News From the Front Page 2012

Singer-songwriter Sharon Kent Smith Iltis, a native of Cincinnati, has lived in many places around the United States including Boulder Junction, Wisconsin and Bozeman, Montana. Her passion for writing songs and singing is fueled by an intimacy with nature, the earth,...

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10,000 Dandelions

10,000 Dandelions

I yanked on the old door stuck, stuck probably because of too much old layers of paint, opening I took in a giganticwhiff of the sweet smell of azalias, my mom was a gardener. There was a Robins nest and I knew then and there that the mom was mad and wanted to get to...

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Welcome to My Website

Welcome to My Website

Welcome to my 3rd website!  With the Pandemic of 2020 going on and turning 65 I've had plenty of time to come to grips with my Singing Pursuits. And of course I had to reach back into my younger years to focus in on Why do I work so hard on singing?. Well, I'm...

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Sharon’s Story

Sharon’s Story

Welcome to my website!  With the Pandemic of 2020 hopefully coming to an end, it's time to dust off the vocal cords ( She's comin' on Dusty).   I was raised listening to "Big Band" music (Don't sit under the Apple Tree) and watching the Lawrence Welk Show...

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In Honor of Cliff DeManty (1951-2023), Music Director, and Piano Player. I was one of the very fortunate singers who got to be his student and friend for the past 9 years. For roughly ten months a year (approximtely 1000 hours) we rehearsed for roughly 200 shows. He arranged over 164 songs for my vocal key. We recorded three albums (40 songs) with Gil Stober of Peak Recording; "Christmas Everyday," "Love Everyday," & "Jazzin' Up Everyday," (all available on this website and most streaming services). We performed as a duo and with many fine musicians in Bozeman - most often with bass player Eddie Tsuru. During the Covid Era, 2020-2022, videographer Dan Smith of ooLite Media Bozeman produced our Youtube video, "Honey Moon 2020" filmed appropriately with masks on. Dear Cliff, "Thank you for your patience, your extremely talented piano playing, your professionalism , your friendship and for everything I have learned from you.... I am extremely grateful."

Sharon Iltis

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