My second CD Collection was “Everyday”. This recording took me a whole year because I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. My songs were unstructured sketches. I learned quickly that unprepardness costs alot of money in the studio. Fortuneately, I had a very patient recording engineer and I met Ed Willett who musically transformed my song sketches into the flowing artistry of my songs dream.
I did alot of singing in and on the woods and lakes of Northern Wisconsin with many fine musicians and particularly enjoyed writing songs for fundraisers based on theme events such as “Hold On Honey” written for a Wife Carrying Contest. “Old Nash Lodge” was written to commenorate the Historic Nash Lodge at Camp Manitowish YMCA (where I raised a family for 25 yrs) before it was renovated. One day I was particularly frustrated and sat looking at a blank sheet of paper, I thought to myself, “When will I ever be a singer” and then bingo I thought “wait a minute I already am a singer” and thats when “Faith Stands Alone” came to me.
I remember when I had my first song come to me. I was sitting in a small clump of trees by a lake, I was about 13 yrs old. I sat there for about 2 hrs just listening to the water and looking at the details of the trees. I started to feel like I belonged there, and as I stood and ducked out of the trees a melody floated into my head. That song ” Twenty Something” took me awhile to write because it was a background Matra that took me through the trials, tribulations and elations of transitioning through my twenties.
Recorded, Engineered, Mastered by Mark Richardson of Alchematic.com Minocqua, WI
Musicians: Ed Willett- Cello, Guitar; Scott Kirby-Bass; Danny Lincoln- Dobro,Guitar, Banjo; Maurice Murphy , Pete Stoltman-Drums; Nathan Sitzman-Mandolin, Dave Lynch-Harmonica; Andy Noyes- Bouzouki,guitar; Steve Matier- Dejembe, bass; Nathan Iltis- Keyboard
I’m offering my music to everyone at no cost. To download click the download icon on each track. Peace to you all and thanks for listening!”
–Sharon Iltis
Purchase physical CD of Everyday at:
Amazon; Digital Download or physical CD
Cactus Records, Bozeman: 406-587-0245